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What are the payment terms with Acme?

What's the break clause of the Nexa contract?

How does product X benefit company Y?

What are the payment terms with Acme?

What are the payment terms with Acme?

What's the break clause of the Nexa contract?

How does product X benefit company Y?

What are the payment terms with Acme?

Employee onboarding

Employee onboarding

Navigate company data effortlessly from day one.

Project insights

Project insights

Quickly find project details without raising a ticket.

Business operations

Business operations

Instant access to precise, up-to-date company objectives and protocols.

Contracts & documents

Contracts & documents

Reduce confusion over scattered information.

Company knowledge

Company knowledge

An AI assistant with full company database knowledge.

Transform business intelligence

Reshape corporate knowledge into a seamlessly integrated and efficient process, creating a highly optimised enterprise.

chatgpt for you

One search bar for all

Like Google or ChatGPT, but for your company’s knowledge. Ask a question and get instant answers with sources.

Enable 24/7 support

Answer in under 2 seconds

Resolve 85%+ tickets automatically

chatgpt for you

One search bar for all

Like Google or ChatGPT, but for your company’s knowledge. Ask a question and get instant answers with sources.

Enable 24/7 support

Answer in under 2 seconds

Resolve 85%+ tickets automatically

chatgpt for you

One search bar for all

Like Google or ChatGPT, but for your company’s knowledge. Ask a question and get instant answers with sources.

Enable 24/7 support

Answer in under 2 seconds

Resolve 85%+ tickets automatically

AI search

Uncover knowledge instantly

Beyond simple keyword matches! Your entire knowledge base is analysed for every search, to identify the most semantically similar nodes.

No downloads, no switching between Apps - just a straightforward chat with your research, PDFs or Google Drive.

AI search

Uncover knowledge instantly

Beyond simple keyword matches! Your entire knowledge base is analysed for every search, to identify the most semantically similar nodes.

No downloads, no switching between Apps - just a straightforward chat with your research, PDFs or Google Drive.

AI search

Uncover knowledge instantly

Beyond simple keyword matches! Your entire knowledge base is analysed for every search, to identify the most semantically similar nodes.

No downloads, no switching between Apps - just a straightforward chat with your research, PDFs or Google Drive.

ai processing

Boost manual work with automation

Save 75%+ efforts with OCR in images, audio transcription and relationship recommendations powered by AI.

ai processing

Boost manual work with automation

Save 75%+ efforts with OCR in images, audio transcription and relationship recommendations powered by AI.

ai processing

Boost manual work with automation

Save 75%+ efforts with OCR in images, audio transcription and relationship recommendations powered by AI.

Le sanctuaire de vos données

Nous prenons des mesures supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité de nos utilisateurs et de leurs données, en suivant les normes les plus élevées de l'industrie.

Le sanctuaire de vos données

Nous prenons des mesures supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité de nos utilisateurs et de leurs données, en suivant les normes les plus élevées de l'industrie.

Le sanctuaire de vos données

Nous prenons des mesures supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité de nos utilisateurs et de leurs données, en suivant les normes les plus élevées de l'industrie.

Le sanctuaire de vos données

Nous prenons des mesures supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité de nos utilisateurs et de leurs données, en suivant les normes les plus élevées de l'industrie.

ISO 27001 certification

myReach is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. Our system and process controls undergo independent audits annually.

ISO 27001 certification

myReach is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. Our system and process controls undergo independent audits annually.

TLS 1.3 encryption

We use TLS 1.3 to encrypt and protect your data in transit. The SSL certificate uses a 2048-bit RSA key.

TLS 1.3 encryption

We use TLS 1.3 to encrypt and protect your data in transit. The SSL certificate uses a 2048-bit RSA key.

AES-256 bit encryption

myReach is encrypted AES-256 bit to secure your database connection credentials and data stored at rest.

AES-256 bit encryption

myReach is encrypted AES-256 bit to secure your database connection credentials and data stored at rest.

What myKnowledge can do for you.

Research shows that the average employee spends 25% of their time searching for info. myReach brings that down to 1%.

Tidio: "30 customer queries solver per day by 1 agent."

Statista: "82s average wait time for support response."

Gladly: "$75B In lost annual revenue…"




Customer queries solved per day







Average wait time for a chat support response




In lost annual revenue. From customers who switch due to poor customer service

Trusted by leading companies

  • Instech
  • Instech
  • Instech